Healthier Lifestyle Cards
Get Healthier Lifestyle education cards teach employees different topics on health and well-being by working together and discussing in small groups or teams. These cards can help support workplaces interested in improving employee health and well-being. These cards are part of the Be Super toolkit and area available in English and Spanish.

Groups of 3-7 employees meet for about 30 minutes weekly to discuss each card or topic.
Include an additional 10 minutes if test data or evaluation surveys are collected to determine how much is learned.
Employees can take turns leading topic discussions, rotate weekly, and incorporate creative ways to cover the content.
Get healthier (setting goals)
Calories (calories in foods, portion sizes, RMR calculations)
Liquids & calories (low calorie/sugar options, low-high comparisons)
Basic nutrition (reading labels, food groups: healthy vs. unhealthy)
Snacks (healthier options)
Sugar (natural vs. added, limit added)
Exercise (benefits, starting out)
Strength (weekly needs, group strength routine)
Flexibility (benefits, injury)
Stress (body-mind, management)
Moving forward (overview, future health goals)
The Get Healthier cards can be used across different workplace settings and industries. How can I get access to these cards? The Get Healthier cards can be purchased through Northwest Education Training & Assessment (NwETA)* or get access to this tool by participating in YourWorkpath Program.
How to I get access to the cards?
Each download of the ‘Get Healthier’ Lifestyle Education Cards includes Leader Cards, Member Cards, and Take Home Activities for each of the 12 topics. The Leader Cards have information, questions and answers to stimulate discussion. Member Cards have information and questions but they do not have the answers. All employees can use the Take Home Activities to practice what they have learned.
Example of a Get Healthier Card team activity (front and back).
Click to enlarge and download sample PDF on topics "Get Healthier" and "Sleep"
*The purchase link above will take you to a website external to OHSU. NwETA, LLC is the company that collaborates with OHSU in the offering of the trainings in these tools and toolkits. OHSU has a financial interest in this company and Dr. Anger, who is the Associate Director for Applied Research for Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences at OHSU, is the company’s President. If you would like more information about this, please contact the OHSU Integrity Department at (503) 494-8849 or integrity@ohsu.edu.
Do you have experience using Get Healthier Lifestyle cards or would like to try them in your organization?
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